what is a landing page

What is a landing page? Landing pages are very important when it comes to digital marketing campaigns or PPC. If you are running a campaign through something like Google ads, you want a post-click landing page that directs your customers to make a conversion. What I mean by this is, when you have an advertisement on the internet and a customer see’s it and is intrigued, when they click on the call-to-action button on the ad, they should be taken to a landing page and not your website. Users tend to get distracted and bored. They want to do as little as possible. They don’t want to scroll and they don’t want to click through. Landing pages are separate from the regular navigation of your site and are a stand-alone page that is simple and straight to the point. Hey, here is our offer, click this button to join.


Even though landing pages are separate from your actual site, the design of your landing page should echo that of your site. Use some of the same images, make sure the call-to-action button has the same design, and colors too. What is different about a landing page is typography. Use large fonts with very little words or descriptions. Like I said, users are lazy and don’t want to read. Large text, large images, clear call-to-action, and boom, more conversions.

Vital Information

If you are running a campaign to try to get people to sign up for something, don’t ask a thousand questions on your landing page. Only ask for vital information. If you have a form that has 5 entries on it, no way people are going to take the time to fill that thing out. A simple name and email will suffice and if they do that, take them to another page to ask for more information. I am telling you again, less is more when shooting for high conversions.


There are many different ways that the marketing experts will tell you to design your landing pages. You could take a whole web design course and they will tell you the tricks of the trade design terms, like “the fold.” This fold refers to above the fold is the first section of your web page, like an image hero or paragraph text. Below the fold is referring to whats below the fold line of the top section where the user has to scroll down to see more. In landing pages, beware of the fold. Make your message and call-to-action known above the fold. This doesn’t mean that users won’t scroll down the page, but when they see the clear message and action, the more conversions you will get.

Do you want a landing page for your business? Contact me.

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