organic search

Search/traffic is very important when it comes to digital marketing. The whole point of digital marketing is to drive more people to your online presence and in turn, driving more conversions. So what we need to do is to understand what all the different kinds of traffic there are. So let’s go over those now!

Types of Traffic

  1. Direct Traffic – Direct traffic is where someone types your URL into a web browser and BOOM, there’s your site. Simple enough.
  2. Organic Traffic – This is when someone finds your site through search engines. This does not mean you ran GoogleAds either. This is non-paid, earned through SEO, search.
  3. Paid Traffic – This is when you run GoogleAds or some other form of ads for your site and users get to your site through them.
  4. Referral/Social Traffic – I like to put these two in the same category because they are basically the same thing. Referral traffic is when users find your site through anything besides on a search engine. And, you guessed it, social traffic is finding you through social media. You can see why I put these two in the same category.
  5. Email Traffic – This is another form of an ad campaign. This is when users click your call-to-action thats on your email marketing campaign.

All of these types of traffic are important to know when you are trying to grow your online presence. It’s important to know Google Search Console and Google Analytics very well so you can see where all of your traffic is coming from. You can see which of your ad campaigns are working the best and which need some work.

Now we get into the whole part of this blog post. Why I believe that organic search is so important, and quite frankly, my most favorite type of traffic.

The Importance of Organic Search

So now we know that organic search is when users find your site through search engines. Well in order for them to find you on search engines, you need to dive heavily into search engine optimization. If you want to learn more about search engine optimization you can view this page. This will boost your Google ranking and you will land on the first, second page of Google. The higher your ranking, the higher you are on the search list.

So why is this important? Well, if SEO is done properly, you will see your traffic double if not triple from people finding your site. It might not happen right away, or even that substantially depending on how competitive your business is. You won’t have to worry about running ads daily or weekly, so that saves you a lot of time. All in all, less maintenance. Not only does it save you time but also money in constantly running ads.

If your organic search is high, you will be able to run ads on your site, which will financially benefit you. Your site has been monetized.

Also, because you know that you are getting a lot more organic searches, you know that these people are LOOKING FOR YOU! They need whatever service or product you are selling. You are bringing in high quality prospects as users. They will more than likely buy whatever you are selling, if not, at least reach out to say they are interested.

If you ask me, these things added up make organic search very attractive for me.

Want to learn more about organic search? Contact me!

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