Email Marketing

I’m sure almost everyone has the dreadful feeling when they open their personal email inbox and it’s flooded with a bunch of newsletters, spam, someone trying to sell you a useless product and my personal favorite, coupons. It’s almost to the point where I am searching for things to just NOT delete. Some of these email spams coming from companies that you haven’t shopped with or been a part of for years!

A lot of you may think that email marketing is on it’s way out of becoming important but you guys are dead wrong. Based on data that was collected in 2018, emails are still the most effective marketing channel. Now some people may think, why is that? Well I want you to find someone you know that doesn’t have an email nowadays. Pretty hard right? Email outweighs social media and search engines. 

I don’t know about you but this looks like an opportunity to me. Creating well designed email campaigns and setting your company apart from all the other Joe Shmoes is what I do. Attractive subject text, a call-to-action worth converting, and beautifully designed templates with images and content. 

No matter what your marketing goals are, we can work together to take the email lists that you have and get more conversions on whatever your goals are. Most of the time it would be sales! SALES, SALES, and more SALES. From repeat customers or gaining relationships with new ones. Not only just sales, but it reminds customers about your offerings and makes them think of you. Also, brand recognition is huge in these campaigns. It allows the potential customers to get a taste of your personality and what your brand is about.

Contact me if this is something you are interested for your business.

email marketing