getting a website

How Does My Business Go About Getting A Website?

So you have a business. Or maybe you just have a business idea that you want to get started on. You need to be on the internet. You don’t think so? Well let’s take a look at the facts. 


There are an estimated 4.13 billion, yes billion with a “b,” internet users worldwide. -> Statista


 According to the Digital Reports done in 2019, on average, people are spending 6 hours and 42 minutes online daily. -> The Next Web


From 2000 to 2019, internet usage has increased 1,157%. -> Broadband Search


AND in 2019, 51.% of all worldwide traffic, came from mobile devices… ie. phones, tablets etc. -> Broadband Search


That sounds like a lot of customers you could be reaching doesn’t it? Well it does to me. 


So now we are going to get into how you can go about getting a website

Do It Yourselfers

First things first, you can create it yourself. Right now you can learn ANYTHING on the internet. Jump on YouTube and you can learn how to change the oil in your car. Or how to change out the leaky faucet in your kitchen. And you can even learn how to bake a cake. There are plenty of tutorials on how to create a website on YouTube. More than likely you will be creating one using a Content Management System (CMS) like WordPress, or Wix, or Squarespace. The front end aspect is the semi-easy part. Designing the website however you want it too. 




  1. You have no idea what goes into creating a website
  2. You don’t have design experience to know what can attract the most users
  3. If there’s an issue, generally it’s on the backend of the site and my guess is you don’t know how to read CSS, HTML, PHP, or JAVA. So you’re going to have to hire someone to fix it
  4. It is going to take you 4x as long to learn how to and build a site than it will for any experienced developer to create one.


Next way to get a website is to hire a freelance web developer. This is my favorite way. (I am sure you can guess why). The reason this way is so popular is because you won’t be charged outrageous agency prices. This person more than likely knows what they’re doing and the reason they are doing it for themselves is because they don’t want to work for anyone else. They can work wherever and whenever they want. But, you always want to make sure they are the right fit for you. Ask the right questions when talking to them. 




  1. You’ll have to pay. Generally, stuff like this, you get what you pay for. If you want to spend $250 on a 5 page website, you get what you pay for. It’s not going to be great. But it’s going to be less than a agency
  2. They may not pay as much attention to you.
  3. Agencies have teams of people… Freelancers only have them. 
  4. The freelancer may not complete your project on a timely matter.


Next way to do it is hire an agency. Agencies are expensive. Bottom line. You’re going to be paying. They are going to try to lock you in on the longest contract they can get you to sign and then they have you. But, they are agencies. They are always going to be keeping an eye on you. They’re always going to be at your disposal. They will be on a timely matter. You will have an account manager for your account. 




  1. It’s expensive
  2. And I mean expensive
  3. It’s not for everyone
  4. Your generally locked in your contract for a LONG time
  5. Freelancers usually like to work WITH you, agencies will do what they want to do.



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