local seo

There are many people searching Google to find a nearby shop or store. In fact, 97% of people learn about companies online.

Local SEO

Local SEO is taking your business and adding all of the local information into search engines. For example, claiming the business, adding phone number, address, email, etc. That way, customers that are searching for you know exactly how to get ahold of you and how to find you. If you are a business owner, it’s always a good idea to Google your business and see what comes up. Is your site even indexed on Google so it actually shows up? Google has ways to where a map can show up and mark where your business is located, give links to your website and directions. It will also show hours of operations. Be sure to claim the business and input all this information so customers can stay informed.

Another big thing for local SEO is reviews and testimonials. Signing up for things like Bing, Yelp, and claiming yourself on the Yellow Pages. The more local presence you have on the internet with sites like these, the more your business is going to get picked up on the internet.

local seo

Local Content

Social media is a way to bring your business into the local community. Create all the necessary social medias that are going to relate with your target market. Create clever content and communicate with your customers. It’s always nice to hear positive feedback. And fix something if a customer had a negative experience.

Another piece of local content is blogging. Create an audience and a community that can relate with your companies voice. This not only boosts local SEO, but drives more traffic to your site, if done right, creating more conversions. When creating your blog content, be sure to include local neighborhoods or places near you. Everything that is happening in the community and provide useful information for your local audience.


Get reviews of your business. There are so many people that will base a buying decision based on reviews of a product or service. This is what the internet has turned us too. If you have many bad reviews, chances are you are loosing plenty of new customers. Make sure if you are given a bad review, reach out to person and ask what you could do better on the next go around. Invite them back hoping they have a better experience. In my personal experience dealing with customers, there are always going to be people that don’t like how you do things. You cannot turn everyone around to thinking you’re awesome. So don’t think you are doing something wrong when you have 2 bad reviews out of 100.

Want to learn more about what I can do for your business locally? Reach out!

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