responsive website design

There are so many devices out there that have access to the internet. Phones, tablets, laptops, desktops, virtual reality, game stations, etc. Thousands of different devices with different operating systems and screen sizes. Responsive website design is creating websites that respond to the screen size of the device, orientation and platform. There are so many different variables with all of these different devices and your website has to respond accordingly. Through every device, your website has to look good on screen and show all of the appropriate content on your site. 

Obviously, your site is going to look different on a phone than it is on a desktop monitor. The desktop monitor is huge compared to a smart phone screen. So, as a web designer, we have to keep this in mind. Although, with a lot of the WordPress themes, responsive web design is already coded in and you are able to view in multiple different screen sizes and adjust as needed. 

Screen resolution plays an important role in responsive website design as well. Each of these many devices has different resolution, color and functionality. For example, an iPad has 2 screen modes, portrait and landscape. The iPad isn’t completely square, it’s rectangle. So the website has to be able to adjust on the fly when the iPad is flipped to a different screen mode. We must consider hundreds of different screen sizes and resolutions.

Reach out to me through the contact page and we can talk about creating you a responsive website or even taking your existing site and making it responsive.

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