
What are keywords and how do they relate to SEO? Keywords have everything and anything to do with search engine optimization. They are what help you get ranked on google. Let’s say that you spilled red wine all over the brand new carpet you just had put in (maybe put down the bottle). After saying every cuss word in the book, you straighten yourself up and jump to action. First thing you do is type into Google: “carpet cleaners in my area.” On the first page you will see a ton of reputable carpet cleaning companies. These websites on the first page have used key words from the search that you made, “carpet cleaners in my area.” Now, keywords are very binary and to-the-point. Research is definitely needed in this aspect of SEO.

Keyword Research

Research is very important when it comes to choosing the proper keywords you want to target. There are many tools out there that are available. I like to use ubersuggests, but there are plenty more free tools available or even high powered paid ones like SEMrush. I am only doing basic keyword implementation on pages, and free tools like ubersuggests work perfectly. You can type in the keyword you believe will be good use, and it will show the search volume per month, the SEO difficulty, paid difficulty and CPC. It’s important first, to make google searches first of what you believe to be a phrase or keyword a potential user would use, then create many different lists of key phrases you want type into the tool. Take all the information you gather and make a decision on what keywords you would like to target.

Yoast SEO

Yoast is a free SEO plugin through WordPress. Once you use it and get the hang of it, it’s relatively simple to use. How do keywords play with Yoast? Well when creating pages or posts on WordPress, there will be a Yoast pop-up on each backend creation page/post. This is where you can implement your key phrase into Yoast. What is great about this plugin, is that once you type in the key phrase, it will tell you everything that is good with your text and everything that is bad! If your SEO needs improvement, it will tell you everything to change and you can adjust accordingly. You can also create meta descriptions, readability, slugs, SEO titles, and more. This is by far one of my favorite plugins, because without it, it would be hard for people to find you on the internet.

If you are interested in talking more about keywords and Yoast, contact me.

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