benefits of blogging

Some may think that blogging is the most outdated form on content on the internet? Well it’s definitely been around forever, but outdated it is not. There are plenty of benefits that go along with blogging. For those of you that have been living under a rock for many years and don’t know what blogging is, its creating posts for your website. Right now, you are reading a blog post on my site. But just because the idea of blogging is old, doesn’t really mean it’s old. It has evolved so much over the years. We have went from simple HTML and CSS page sites to programmable websites controlled by Content Management Systems. Web design has become clean and chic. Overall everything is just better. But how can blogging be beneficial?

Driving Traffic

When you write a blog post and post it on your website, you are adding another reason why a user will find you on search engines. For example, we are going to write a blog post about ‘Why Should You Clip Your Dogs Toe Nails.’ Well if you have optimized your site and that post properly, chances are if someone is searching for those keywords on Google, they will visit your site and read your post. BOOM, TRAFFIC!

Not only is it good for search engines, it’s good if you have a following. If you have a community surrounding your website or brand, gather emails. Once you have an email list or some way of reaching your audience, send out emails every time you post something new. This will bring your original audience back to your site keeping your traffic consistent.

Social Media

The whole idea of bringing your business online is to build a presence everywhere that is necessary. If you think think that you could really benefit on social media, then this is another way to build your audience. When you create a blog post, you are creating content. Content is what you want. Once you created the content, you want to post the content. Don’t just post it on your blog. Post it on every source of social media you have. It’s free advertising! Why wouldn’t you. Hopefully whatever you have created is of interest to your followers that way they can click that link.

Building Credibility

Credibility is huge on the internet. Why should I trust that whatever you say is true? Well if what you are saying is actually factual, then your audience will know and trust you from here on out. This goes with creating a community around your brand. Useful information to people is very powerful.

All of this wrapped together are the benefits of blogging. The internet is all about traffic. Traffic Traffic Traffic. Creating content is a way to find followers, traffic, and build a community. If not, your site and your brand will get lost on the internet and put on the “forgotten websites” shelf in the pits of Google.

If you want to have a conversation on how blogging can make an impact on your site, contact me!

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