make money from a website

6 Of The BEST Ways To Make Money From A Website

Believe it or not, there are ways to make money from a website. Sometimes, you can make A LOT of money, but let’s not get carried away. When you have a website or a blog you want tons of traffic. Clicks, traffic, and conversions are what DRIVES the internet. Creating content that users appreciate and want to be a part of, or selling a product that everyone seems to need. At first your blog might just be for a hobby. Generally you post somewhat consistently, see a consistent growth of traffic each month and it starts to excite you. What started as a hobby can turn into a money maker of passive income or more. At first you might just earn enough to cover costs of domain renewal and hosting but it could lead to more!

Google Adsense

If you are familiar with how to make money from a website, then you know about Google Adsense. The idea of Google Adsense is you create advertising space on your website, for example in the header or sidebar. Then, google will generate code for you to put in your site, and they will run ads in the spaces you provide. Pretty simple. 

They go by the pay-per-click rule. Each time a visitor on your site clicks on the google ad that’s running, you receive a commission. Generally, the commissions aren’t a huge amount, but the more traffic you have and the more people click on the ads, the more money you make. The commission really depends on the competition in that specific niche, but the amount per click could be between $0.20 – $15. 

Affiliate Marketing

If you have ever googled “how to make money online” or “how to make passive income,” then you definitely have heard of affiliate marketing. These words actually make me cringe because I have heard so many stories about people making hundreds of thousands of dollars a month with affiliate marketing and “it’s so easy!” and “you can do it too!” Well themake money from a website truth is you can, but it’s not as easy as everyone says it is. 

Affiliate marketing is a great way to earn passive income on your site. Similar to Google Adsense, you earn a commission if a visitor buys a product. The idea of this is, you promote a product or service on your site and you have what’s called an affiliate link. The affiliate link is a link to another person’s page where they are selling something but that link is tied to you. For example, you are an affiliate for “Speaker Soap,” who sells bars of soap with speakers in them (I just made that up on the fly but I’m kind of into it). We are going to blog about Speaker Soap and promote them with a link in the blog to their website. Well if one of my visitors clicks my link and buys a bar of speaker soap, I receive a commission. 

Seems pretty easy and yes, the concept of it is easy. The downside that I have with this is you have to have a ton of traffic to your site and have to pick affiliates based on what you think your audience might actually be into. It takes a lot of time to research and find affiliates that are related to your site. A website you could use to become an affiliate marketer is ClickBank.

Sell Your Own Products

If you have a popular website and have gained a decent following then maybe it’s time to start thinking about selling a product or two on your site. Maybe you blog about writing. Why don’t you create a short Ebook that your followers could purchase for a small price. 

Of course this would all depend on how creative you get on your product and if you audience is actually going to be interested in buying it. This is a less popular way of monetizing, but if you have a niche cornered in the market and you see an opportunity, why not take it. This could be a way to take your monetized website to the next level.

E Commerce

Kind of similar to selling a product on your site but this is an online store with many products. E Commerce has become huge in these recent years, especially with Shopify and the Alibaba craze. If you specialize in a certain niche and are very knowledgeable about it, then find different products to sell online. 

For example, you specialize in golf products. There are plenty of products that are out there to find distributors for and sell them on your website. A lot of people online are searching for golf products also! 

A downside to this is it takes a lot of work. The supply chain end alone will take hours and hours to figure it out. But once you have the logistics put in place and a functioning online store, the only thing that’s left is to advertise, process orders, and manage the site. 

Sell Your Website 

The market for websites and online businesses is huge. There are websites like Flippa where people are buying and selling websites and domains like crazy. So if you make money from a website each month, you could put it up for bidding and may the highest bidder win! You could luck out and get 4x what the website is worth or you could go bust and no one see any potential in your concept. 

There are also people out there that flip websites. They build a website from the ground up, spend time gaining traffic, then turn around and sell it right away for a nice chunk of change. Now, even though this is a viable option, there isn’t a guarantee that you will always get what you want for the site. Also, I am a huge believer in building websites for the long term. Even though I have tried to sell domains and buy websites before, it’s very competitive and about the luck of the draw. 

Sell Space For Ads

Similar to Google Adsense, there are places where you can sell space on your website for a certain amount of money per month. A popular site is BuySellAds. You can get paid a flat rate every month or paid depending on how many visitors you get to your site. It’s usually based on an amount per thousand impressions which is the same as CPM. A lot of sites that sell this will quote it as $10 per CPM. So if your site gets 5,000 visitors per month, you get a check for $50.

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